It hasn't past you, especially if you use any of the HDI models, since the last update it struggled with playing regular DVD content, more specific, it will loose sound occasionally for a second and then come back. Especially with the new models (of which there are so many) questions were raised as to why HDI has not "quick fixed" this problem as so many talk about it. Even some, including me, started doubting if HDI would be able to fix it in short term. Now we are happy to say, they are capable of just that and we confirmed it...
We contacted HDI and requested a beta firmware which included the fix for DVD audio for the sole purpose of verifying the problem is going to be resolved in the next public beta or final release. We installed the firmware and are happy to say, so far we haven't come across the DVD audio bug anymore. As for when you as a consumer may expect the firmware, we guess in December but no firm dates are offered.
As usual, we recommend HDI to release the fix soonest possible as to please it's consumer base and show they can move fast when problems arise, after all, we all paid a good deal for these players and are entitled to that little extra service from HDI. Either way, the fix is coming sooner or later...